Open Letter: You Need to Vote

September 23, 2016                

                          "Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”

Deuteronomy 30:19


Dear Brother and Sister Americans in Christ,

First, thank you for all that you do for Christ. Reports of your outreach to your communities are very encouraging. I’m blessed every time I receive an email or social media report regarding your ministries, and I rejoice in the Lord!

Most recently, your voter education and registration efforts are flooding in. I’m writing to encourage you to continue these important civic efforts of educating and registering voters. My uncle, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said at the 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in Washington, D.C.:

“And so our most urgent request to the president of the United States and every member of Congress is to give us the right to vote… Give us the ballot.”

Well, thanks be to God, we have won the battle for the ballot. Now, as Christians, we are blessed with the responsibility of educating our communities regarding the importance of voting for the sanctity of life in the upcoming elections, and indeed all elections. This responsibility isn’t just for now; this voter education effort should be an ongoing outreach for people of faith! We must continually work to obtain and preserve the right to vote and future votes of babies in the womb, their parents, the sick, the elderly, the poor, all Americans. Now is the time to demand: #giveustheprolifeballot!

As Director of Civil Rights for the Unborn for Priests for Life, I encourage you to visit our page to review the platforms of the candidates in the upcoming elections. Also, please join us in praying our “Election prayer for Life,”

“O God, we acknowledge you today as Lord, not only of individuals, but of nations and governments. We thank you for the privilege of being able to organize ourselves politically and of knowing that political loyalty does not have to mean disloyalty to you. We thank you for your law, which our Founding Fathers acknowledged and recognized as higher than any human law. We thank you for the opportunity that this election year puts before us, to exercise our solemn duty not only to vote, but to influence countless others to vote, And to vote correctly."  MORE

As we pray, let’s remember that his is such an important era in the history of America. We have fought and won many battles. Too many of our young people don’t know our history; many of us have forgotten. Our peaceful protests often turn into riots because we need to restore our prayers and our votes to where we were when we marched for “The Dream.” All lives hang in the balance.

Finally, I have asked my boss Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and our good friend Catholic Evangelist Richard Lane to share with us a favorite Pro-Life scripture from Sainted Mother Teresa of Calcutta with you:

" We must remember that life begins at home and we must also remember that the future of humanity passes through the family” Blessed and Sainted Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

St. Teresa of Calcutta and Fr. Frank Pavone

These inspiring words from Mother Teresa

will strengthen and encourage us in the days ahead.

Again, thank you for your prolife vote as well as your work of motivating members of the faith community to vote for life.

Evangelist Alveda C. King,
Director, Civil Rights for the Unborn
Priests for Life

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Civil Rights for the Unborn